App and Firmware updates and more Terras Shipping

I'm excited to say that we're going to have an update to the app soon with a lot of improvements to the Terra Station setup process...we revamped the user flow, fixed the wifi issues (you won't have to enter your wifi network manually anymore, for example), and updated a bunch of behind the scenes issues that have been a problem. We think this new version will be a major step forward. Thanks to all our existing Terra users who have given us a lot of valuable feedback, and for being patient as we get everything in good working order. Next up: getting the bird ID algorithm in better shape, and adding noise removal features. Finally, along with the firmware and app update we'll be able to ship a lot more Terras with confidence, so we'll be shipping a bunch of them next week, and (knock on wood) the weeks after that. There will be a lot more to come - we're just getting started!
Scott W, President of Terra
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